"What, you're doing AI with 4 gigabytes?"
Yes, that's right. And 512 MB actually go to the GPU, so yeah... it's tight.
Another working AI component. Takes any sentence or phrase, like:
smart combinations of various fast methods
and outputs:
1. combinations 2. combinations of methods 3. smart combinations 4. combinations of fast methods 5. smart combinations of methods 6. combinations of various methods 7. smart combinations of fast methods 8. combinations of various fast methods 9. smart combinations of various methods 10. smart combinations of various fast methods
Neat, right? And very useful.
There'll be a channel and a bot.
I'm not sure if you have thought this through yet. This is a project that makes computers think.
"Confessions of a Burglar Video"
(It's the name of a video on YouTube.) So... is the video confessing—or the burglar? Let's ask the parser.
1. Confessions {of {a {Burglar Video}}} 2. {Confessions {of {a Burglar}}} Video
Yup, it has found the 2 grammatical possibilities. Next up: Semantic analysis to rate these against each other.
We're reaching a nice number of JavaX-enabled computers. And no, they're not all mine.
until Stefan's OS takes the world.
Stefan's OS has a greater impact than Windows 95. You just wait and see!
The solution is source code inspection, and JavaX makes it practical.
The operating system is the optimal place to automate everything—it sees everything and it can act upon information. Also loading and even making dynamic code on the fly is trivial in my OS.