Error. java.lang.RuntimeException: main$JavaCompileException: ECJ returned errors. ---------- 1. ERROR in /root/JavaX-Caches/Temp/1715644860677/ (at line 2156) static List audio_entryPoints_v1(BWImage img, Object... _) { ^ '_' is a keyword from source level 9 onwards, cannot be used as identifier ---------- 2. ERROR in /root/JavaX-Caches/Temp/1715644860677/ (at line 2157) return audio_entryPointsUsingBand_v1(img, audio_bestBandForEntryPoints(), _); ^ '_' is a keyword from source level 9 onwards, cannot be used as identifier ---------- 3. ERROR in /root/JavaX-Caches/Temp/1715644860677/ (at line 2167) static List audio_exitPoints_v1(BWImage img, Object... _) { ^ '_' is a keyword from source level 9 onwards, cannot be used as identifier ---------- 4. ERROR in /root/JavaX-Caches/Temp/1715644860677/ (at line 2168) return audio_exitPointsUsingBand_v1(img, audio_bestBandForExitPoints(), _); ^ '_' is a keyword from source level 9 onwards, cannot be used as identifier ---------- 5. ERROR in /root/JavaX-Caches/Temp/1715644860677/ (at line 3751) static List audio_entryPointsUsingBand_v1(BWImage img, IntRange band, Object... _) { ^ '_' is a keyword from source level 9 onwards, cannot be used as identifier ---------- 6. ERROR in /root/JavaX-Caches/Temp/1715644860677/ (at line 3752) return startsOfIntRanges(audio_streaksUsingBand_v1(img, band, _)); ^ '_' is a keyword from source level 9 onwards, cannot be used as identifier ---------- 7. ERROR in /root/JavaX-Caches/Temp/1715644860677/ (at line 3757) static List audio_exitPointsUsingBand_v1(BWImage img, IntRange band, Object... _) { ^ '_' is a keyword from source level 9 onwards, cannot be used as identifier ---------- 8. ERROR in /root/JavaX-Caches/Temp/1715644860677/ (at line 3758) return endsOfIntRanges(audio_streaksUsingBand_v1(img, band, _)); ^ '_' is a keyword from source level 9 onwards, cannot be used as identifier ---------- 9. ERROR in /root/JavaX-Caches/Temp/1715644860677/ (at line 3761) static List audio_exitPointsUsingBand_v1(BWImage img, Audio_BandAndThreshold band, Object... _) { ^ '_' is a keyword from source level 9 onwards, cannot be used as identifier ---------- 10. ERROR in /root/JavaX-Caches/Temp/1715644860677/ (at line 3762) return endsOfIntRanges(audio_streaksUsingBand_v1(img, band.r, paramsPlus(_, "threshold" , band.threshold))); ^ '_' is a keyword from source level 9 onwards, cannot be used as identifier ---------- 11. ERROR in /root/JavaX-Caches/Temp/1715644860677/ (at line 4835) static List audio_streaksUsingBand_v1(BWImage img, IntRange band, Object... _) { ^ '_' is a keyword from source level 9 onwards, cannot be used as identifier ---------- 12. ERROR in /root/JavaX-Caches/Temp/1715644860677/ (at line 4838) optOutParam(_, "processedImage" , img2); ^ '_' is a keyword from source level 9 onwards, cannot be used as identifier ---------- 13. ERROR in /root/JavaX-Caches/Temp/1715644860677/ (at line 4839) float threshold = optParam(_, "threshold", 0.5f); ^ '_' is a keyword from source level 9 onwards, cannot be used as identifier ---------- 14. ERROR in /root/JavaX-Caches/Temp/1715644860677/ (at line 4842) if (isTrue(optParam(_, "printStreaks"))) printStruct("streaks", streaks); ^ '_' is a keyword from source level 9 onwards, cannot be used as identifier ---------- 15. ERROR in /root/JavaX-Caches/Temp/1715644860677/ (at line 5026) callF(vm_generalMap_get("newSwingComponentRegistry"), c); ^^^^^ The method callF(main.F1, A) is ambiguous for the type main ---------- 15 problems (15 errors) Options: /root/JavaX-Caches/Temp/1715644860677/ -cp "/root/JavaX-Caches/Binary Snippets/data_1013798.jar:/root/JavaX-Caches/Binary Snippets/data_1400132.jar:/root/.javax/x30.jar:/root/.javax/x30.jar" -warn:none -source 11 -target 11 -d /root/JavaX-Caches/Temp/1715644860767