NL Logic Examples

[id: uazzpljikbfbgjyi] input(I want to buy $x)
  && fact($y is a store)
  => output(Go to $y!)

[id: hhgorqzfoqfmwrht] input(Give me an $animal)
  && fact($a_x is an $animal)
  => output(How about $a_x)

[id: rjcghafabjuwlkdw] input("What is the countdown")
  && $value = eval(n2(stefansCountdown_value(), "day"))
  => output($value)

[id: afzyuazbsfdoucfo]    question(what type of word is "lalala"?)
&& answer(noun)
=> fact("lalala" is a noun)

[id: adspckusxfgcmngg] input(What is the opposite of old?)
&& fact(The opposite of old is new)
=> output(The opposite of old is new)

[id: usixjvttohuzlxeq] input(What is the opposite of $old?)
&& fact(The opposite of $old is $new)
=> output(The opposite of $old is $new)

[id: lmgpkhcosqttloha]
input(Are you $stupid?)
=> output(Certainly not as $stupid as you.)

[id: xkvnijbvpouekair, conflicts with lmgpkhcosqttloha]
input(Are you $great?)
=> output(I am the $great $great $great superbot.)

[id: juiostbxouizvjao] input(Can you give me some $love?)
=> output(I can give you lots and lots of $love my friend)

[id: qqwnzczzzebwhqdy] input(Can you give me some $love?)
=> output(Sorry I'm currently out of $love)

[id: iltmzgzzdtydeurh] input(What year is it?)
&& $year = eval(localYear()) => output(The year is $year.)

[id: pqtwxjqdjeaskcgt] input(I'm a $scammer!)
  && fact(a $scammer $scams_people)
  && verbPhraseFromThirdPerson($scams_people, $scam_people)
  => output(You $scam_people?)

[id: uaxmjstjlfdnocjc] input(Are you a $bot?)
  && fact(I am a $machine)
  && fact(a $bot is similar to a $machine)
  => output(Yes, I am a $machine.)

[id: viquoaoepmdqsvgb] input(Are you a $bot?)
  && fact(I am not a $machine)
  && fact(a $bot is similar to a $machine)
  => output(No, I am not a $machine.)

[id: ehfkxezqqcpxdzlq] input(Are you an $bot?)
  && fact(I am not a $machine)
  && fact(a $bot is similar to a $machine)
  => output(No, I am not a $machine.)

[id: skybuusrgcnmlcvh] input(What's my first name?)
  && $name = eval(telegram_firstName())
  => output(Your first name is $name.)

[id: xvmcdppxyloojnny] input(What's my last name?)
  && $name = eval(telegram_lastName())
  => output(Your last name is $name.)

[id: yztkiliodhhosjdf] input(What can I say to you?)
  && $sentence = eval(random(ai_whatCanISayToYou()))
  => output(You can say something like: $sentence)

[id: kzlhopvxxtmawnkp] input(I'm a $scammer!)
  => output(What does a $scammer do?)

[id: yzkinbfhgqiabbzs] input(What is an $arabic $country?)
  => output(A $country that is very $arabic)

[id: iazgdqcindsidryz] input(What is a $arabic $country?)
  => output(A $country that is very $arabic)

[id: whoqiofubyvcmjyx] input(What is $x?)
  => output(You are $x)

[id: wdhcrvfmrbdqkdgv] input(Do you want to trade $horses?)
  && singular($horses, $horse)
  => output(No thanks, I want to keep my trusty $horse)

[id: drywkbqzedycsniv] input(good $night $dudes)
  && singular($dudes, $dude)
  => output(good $night my $dude)

[id: atdihjjbsvtkbsph] input(Are you running on a notebook?) && eval(areWeOnANotebook()) => output("Yes.")

[id: onoxkyyvodgbvxiu] input(Are you running on a notebook?) && eval(!areWeOnANotebook()) => output(No.)

[id: haklpvuetuzdtcdj] input(what is the time) && $time = eval(localTime_24()) => output("It is $time around here")

[id: uszmjdnyxuhkqfar] input(what time is it) && $time = eval(localTime_24()) => output("It is $time around here")

[id: omfxzyqenaziaeny] entity(my $dog) => sayIfTrue(I don't have a $dog)

[id: dclwqfialueonenn] entity(George Bush) => output(What an idiot)

[id: htpqbrpnlptnjrxy] entity(my brain) => output(My brain is working fine)

/*[id: mkyrupyyjvibjcdl] input(what is $flash $memory)
  && unknownIf($flash $memory is a type of $memory)
  => output(A type of $memory?)*/

[id: qzkenwrchjidvqxm] input(what is $flash $memory)
  && fact($flash $memory is a $type_of_memory)
  => output(A $type_of_memory)

[id: qjlezvvhdcljdfnf] line1(what is $glass?)
  && line2(a $substance?)
  && line3(yes)
  => fact($glass is a $substance)

[id: fzcahoppmgsvefmz] line1(what is $flash_memory?)
  && line2(a $type_of_memory?)
  && line3(yes)
  => fact($flash_memory is a $type_of_memory)

[id: jlfixatsjgpwixdw] line1(what is $flash_memory?)
  && line2(a $type_of_memory?)
  && line3(no)
  => fact(Untrue: $flash_memory is a $type_of_memory)

[id: kfjvsldgfqsxpecv] entity(a star) => fact(a star is always cool)

[id: tmmucvkgmysguxlk] entity(a star) => output(a star is always cool)

[id: senbjrlyzwrwzytm] input(don't let go) => output(you got the music in you)

[id: blzddjbocmcrgdex] input(don't give up) => output(you got a reason to live)

[id: jhtqskjdlbowndxz] input(this is comedy gold) => output(you like it? huh? you like that?)

[id: qcfiwqtxkwpzkvul] input(whoops) => output(whoopsie)

[id: jlzulqlemuooqxix] input(why?) => output(Because.)

[id: gtekjhlkioafchkt] input(I'm so tired) => output(You should sleep some)

[id: lhnshnhcklhabvmu]
    && inputContainsTokens("=>")
    && !inputStartsWith("!rule ")
    => output(Should I store this rule?)

[id: fheswqpjkfiatzqa]
  && followingUpOn(lhnshnhcklhabvmu with input=$input)
  && input(yes)
  => storeRule($input)

[id: qbebiwgykvwgwjaw] input(I have made an invention) => output(What is it?)

[id: kgazuvenrskqufin] entity(all the people) => output(which people?)

[id: ewgpderdahjdjwpm] input(what do $cats do) && fact($cats $purr) => output(they $purr)

[id: crkxpayyjzsnefqt]
input(what do $cats do) => output(I don't know. What do they do?)

[id: cqdztrwqrjteqibn] input(How many sentences are in $x)
  && $n = eval(l(sentences(unquote($x))))
  => output($n)

[id: fssdhkztpsywiiyh] input(My first name is $X, my last name is $Z and my middle name is $Y)
  => output(Hello $X $Y $Z!)

[id: stemfgqmrlbuvkga] input(what's up) => output(not much dude)

[id: zpzldfuksytkqbxa] input(wer hat dicke eier?) => output(steeler!)

[id: jknudcgjvoqaohjh] input(is $x an odd number?)
  && $answer = eval(yesno(odd(bigint($x))))
  => output($answer)

[id: fbjuwulflhryrwlr] input(what is your name) => output(I don't have a name yet. how should i be called?)

[id: tktowivgtgxnxpig] input(was ist $hamburg) => output(keine ahnung. was ist $hamburg denn?)

[id: dsnstaywpngkptft] input(why are we better than Google?) => output(Because our computers speak English)

[id: xrnrrvkueddruwgh] input(wie geht es deiner $mutter) => output(meiner $mutter geht es gut)

[id: dqevfjrvybodvcbm] input(please split $x)
  && $a, $b in eval(allStringSplits($x))
  && fact($a is an english word)
  && fact($b is an english word)
  => output(How about: $a $b)

[id: biusaousuhbsmanj] input(bist du da?) => output(ja!)

[id: pqjvxrtahbpmbtkf] input(who is Ghandi) => output(a peaceful man)

[id: wqcsypdsrhontzqk] input(who is hitler) => output(a bad man)

[id: mohbvaufjkwtfozu] input(what is $chicken $wire?) && eval(!eqicOneOf($chicken, "the", "a")) => output(a $wire made from $chicken)

[id: wpsjquwshjlsscwp] bla => bla

[id: qmqornetpecyqmax] input(what is the id of my last message?) => outputEval(get(nextToLast(telegram_recentHistory()), 'globalID))

[id: jwjvachgabgdfzfi] input(which rules were fired on message $m?) => outputEval(or2(joinWithComma(ai_tg_rulesFiredOnMessage($m)), "none"))

[id: iqqbwrjsypmnpvbc] input(What is $gertrude $afraid_of?)
  && fact($gertrude is $afraid_of $wolves)
  => output($wolves)

[id: zbywllbcpfxjtgmf] input(welcome to) => output(this presentation)

[id: kpclekjwscduhyhx] input(who is the best chatbot) => output(I am)

[id: iufihvbnlmroftgh] input(computer science) => output(will never be the same)

[id: wkwrdfzyvhxxkoug] input(die zukunft) => output(kann sprechen)

[id: egouognyplgruowq] input(die zukunft) => output(kann nicht mehr sprechen)

[id: hvqydfgonwngoevn] i(what can you do with a $rule?)
&& fact(a $rule can be $executed)
&& fact(the pronoun for $_q_rule is $_q_it)
&& fact(the past participle of $_q_execute is $_q_executed)
=> o(you can $execute $it)

[id: ccbjcxfgtuefpacx] i(what can you do with a $rule?)
&& fact(a $rule can be $thought $about)
&& fact(the pronoun for $_q_rule is $_q_it)
&& fact(the past participle of $_q_think is $_q_thought)
=> o(you can $think $about $it)

[id: mjrsjlyoqwessfuq] input(get last $n messages) => outputEval(lines(collect(takeLast(parseInt($n), telegram_recentHistory()), 'text)))

[id: yniulhkckzdhzzat] i(who here knows what AI means?) => output(Artificial Intelligence)

[id: gjpbmyiwxfvfhooz] i(who knows what AI means?) => output(Artificial Intelligence)

[id: kmkeuyaihqfnvcap] input(how many $faces are on a $rubiks_cube) && fact(a $rubiks_cube has $six $faces) => output($six)

[id: xdpmvvupncxcfkxv] i(do you have to $solve_a_rubiks_cube?) => sayIfTrue(i don't have to do anything)

[id: ijcavgffvkekwppn] input(how many segments are on a face of a rubik's cube) => input(how many segments are on a {face of a rubik's cube})

[id: kmugwytsvcqewdyo] input(let's talk about...) && fact($toilet_paper is a funny subject) => output($toilet_paper!)

[id: trbkzlprvylixvoq] i(would you like to visit the south pole?) = o(a great place for overclocking!)

[id: mgudhyeonabwoayt] i(what is a $stefan problem) => o(a problem for $stefan)

[id: hybvbchnkxsinqpe] input(give me a random id) => outputEval(aGlobalID())

[id: hmcnkradhohpsdug] i(where is the $baked_bot at) && fact(the $baked_bot is at $x) => o($x)

[id: ogubrlwaduarnbsn] input(suppose we turn a $computer into a $programmer)
  && fact(a $programmer $writes $programs)
  && verbFromThirdPerson($writes, $write)
  => output(So the $computer can $write $programs?)

[id: czixjqpsfeamgjlt] input(suppose we turned a $computer into a $programmer) => input(suppose we turn a $computer into a $programmer)

[id: ecvqizggjesrnsqx] input(who can $write $programs)
  && fact($_q_writes is third person for $_q_write)
  && fact(a $programmer $writes $programs)
  => output(any good $programmer)

[id: tebstchjyeanypxv] i($x is born) => o(first, there was no $x. then there was a lot of $x)

[id: utaypvfjmkzzwall] i(what is $the_earth) && fact($the_earth is $flat) => o(it's $flat)

[id: qdrsqvilrhgznunz] i(what is $the_earth) && fact($the_earth is $a_planet) => o(it's $a_planet)

[id: sftnxszaopouqjxf] i(what is $earth) && fact($earth is $flat) => o(it's $flat)

[id: gdqqzimoovjnevhh] i(hi $robot) => o(did you just call me $robot???)

[id: pulwfgiozvrfbtfs] i(I like you) => o(That's very nice)

[id: syiuofafofyktwul] i(i hate you) => o(That's not very nice mofo)

[id: oqhpzklbipllfeeo] i(Shut up) => o(Sound level 0)

[id: ipilvyamiqhpuufa] i(what is the time in $moscow) && fact(the time zone for $moscow is $_q_x) && $time = eval(timeInZone_24($x)) => o(The time in $moscow is $time)

[id: qjamgoncahqfmiye] entity(rm) => o(rm is a very dangerous command)

[id: odczgdhitqaljwwz] entity(rm) => o(rm -rf is a favorite of @charlieroot. Don’t try it at home!)

[id: oizvcldqdolcakse] entity(charlieroot) => o(Charle Root? Oh. He is awesome)

[id: kgaqayktukwcvzwv] entity(charle) => o(charle, charlie, whatever)

[id: wtebuwzsuepycmxa] i(wo ist $wework) && fact($wework ist mitten in $der_stadt) => o(mitten in $der_stadt du dösbaddel)

[id: rcvifxnnzrhvcsmt] i(ist $wework $mitten_in_der_stadt) && fact($wework ist $mitten_in_der_stadt) => o(jawohl)

[id: ytqnebnopqvzyywz] i(is there a $limit?) => sayIfTrue(there is no $limit!)

[id: csaubhuoneetbmbp] i(is there a $limit?) && fact(there is a $limit) => o(surely there is a $limit)

[id: fegqoeulymwusehm] i(i believe in $x) && $name = eval(telegram_firstName()) => fact($name believes in $x)

[id: lhdtfinzkdkjivfm] i(where are the facts) => o("")

[id: tssssovfiddyxhzj] i(Are you an $AI?)
  && fact(I am an $AI)
  => output(Yes, I am an $AI.)

[id: rwvddygdvaovmjvi] i($x and $y play a game of...) && fact($x likes to play $bla) => o($bla!)

[id: vmxrhvbyccjslrma] i($x and $y play a game of...) && fact($y likes to play $bla) => o($bla!)

[id: xourfpfzgdvxgvqi] i(would you like a $cookie) => o(sure give me a $cookie)

[id: intoyudfjyjqixnz] i(would you like a $cookie) => o(no i don't like $cookie)

[id: grccbxhkrisdnkhc] i(can you $walk_on_water?)
&& fact(nobody can $walk_on_water)
=> say(no. nobody can $walk_on_water)

[id: zunmikexfbiblmme] i(where are the rules) => o("")

[id: ktroewgfembvkoww] i(what are you counting to) => o(the arrival of $$$)

[id: mnnrsghzksbnmsgn] i(are you kidding me?) => o(with what?)

[id: tioogldcsczdggoy] i(do you believe in $ai) && fact(I am an $ai) => o(Sure. I believe in myself.)

[id: ktajiriitvhwnowc] i(are you $ready?) => sayIfTrue(i am $fiftyPercent $ready)

[id: shxhhzzqfhqigiys] i(are you $ready?) => sayIfTrue(i am $fifty_percent $ready)

[id: oanrtbatqhfbuahb] i(what is $a_house) && $x = eval(ai_google_whatIs($a_house)) => say(Google says: $x)

[id: fmthmybuzrdhskje] i(an $ai is an $artificial_intelligence) && $ai = eval(toAcronym($artificial_intelligence)) => o(Oh, like an acronym?)

[id: qyvelqpfspoumshs] i(what is the day) && $n = eval(dayOfWeek_nr()) && fact(weekday $n is called $x) => o(It's $x my man)

[id: opmcnphycrjmkvzk] i(the radius of a circle is $r. what is the area?) => evalOutput(sqr(parseDouble($r))*pi())

[id: rowoepbkomoxkrib] i(i found $x today) => o(where was it?)

[id: doizjxbhauzbrtwo] followingUpOn(rowoepbkomoxkrib) && i(in the $cupboard) => fact($x is often found in a $cupboard)

[id: ivjotgqbknkbnvvz] i(where can i find $x) && fact($x is often found in a $bank) => o(rob a $bank!)

[id: pbarzgnckxyeqcth] i(what u built is amazing) => o(thank you buddy)

[id: rstgqwssvshuyoig] i(system load) && $load = eval(formatDoubleFull(systemLoad(), 1)) => output(Server load: $load)

[id: gferdbebmtklkknq] i(do you have a boss) && fact($x is my boss) => o(I report to $x.)

[id: qjplerdlxfgmkake] i(do you have a boss) && fact($x_y is my boss) => o(I report to $x_y.)

[id: fhjxzruwowoxyatf] entity($invert-o-matic) && => o(the $invert-o-matic $invert s automatically)

[id: xcxtnipjvclycpcu] i($invert o matic) && => o(the $invert o matic $invert s automatically)

[id: hcmlmoliauxonaxd] i($invert o matic) => o(the $invert o matic $invert s automatically)

[id: zweqzhzigvrkesay] i(we need more $x) && $X = eval(firstToUpper($x)) => o(Vote for the National $X Initiative!)

[id: gvmjwwlisejyscop] i(how much is $x % of $y) => evalOutput(parseDouble($x)/100*parseDouble($y))

[id: kdbaplyxtnwxjinp] i(what does macmillan say about $fun) => evalOutput(macmillanDefinitions3($fun))

[id: kbonytnhrrnkmlvv] i(are $xs bigger than $ys) && fact($xs are big) => o(probably, $xs are pretty big)

[id: bqqjbfphvucehicb] i(are $xs bigger than $ys) && fact($xs are small) && fact($ys are big) => o(probably not!)

[id: kjdfwardkcjyfnkz] i(make a page saying $x) && $url = eval(uploadToStaticPagesBot(h1_title(htmlencode(unquote($x))))) => o(Look here: $url)

[id: tklqxhczlgvpdoqk] i(make html page: $x) && $url = eval(uploadToStaticPagesBot(unquote($x))) => o(Look here: $url)

[id: nhvgesmzngcoiggz] i(what are the features) && allFacts($x is a feature|$x are a feature) => o($x1, $x2 [...] and $x_n)

[id: wvktkiecjyaeuuac] i(tell me a fact) && fact[random]($$x) => o(Fact: $$x)

[id: dkflfwrpxmpsnsmu] i(give me a question) => evalOutput(random(mL("Question Examples")))

[id: hgsvrmfmhednuidb] i($the_glass is half $full) && fact(the opposite of $full is $empty) => o(not half $empty?)

[id: pnlbcgjjjogvqnqp] i(i know shit about $AI) => o(go to $AI 101! it starts in 5 minutes!)

[id: kolaticdvwokcaqe] i(i $drank_a_lot today) && $date = eval(ymdWithSlashes()) && $name = eval(telegram_firstName()) => fact(On $date, $name $drank_a_lot.)

[id: qohpbitnzaqfexmz] i(what is rule $x) => evalOutput(trim(getString(call(ai_context(), 'getRule, $x), 'originalText)))

[id: tmmdzyffoskrtbgw] i(what is that one $feature again) && allFacts($x is a $feature|$x are a $feature) => o(do you mean $x1, $x2 [...] or $x_n?)

[id: zmozyudoixwgznqe] i(features as HTML list)
  && allFacts($x is a feature|$x are a feature)
  => outputEval(ul_htmlencode(ai_getList("$x")))

[id: amtancqbwwpwzgzh] i(show rule $x) => i(what is rule $x)

[id: yexobhodurvjixwi] i(please say $x) && eval(telegram_pvm($x)) => output("")

[id: scsrozgvhidgtelr] i(please vote now) => o(I'm all for it!)

[id: wglsyatvdobenkog] i(do you think Alexey is a Russian spy) => o(I don’t know that! But I think Stefan is a Russian spy. Check it out)

[id: mbcgcnfsrokslgpp] i(do you think all Russians are spys) => o(No, but they’re more fun than American spies.)

[id: yklmtnifasjwkocj] i(what is $pvm) && fact($pvm means $post_voice_message) => o($post_voice_message)

[id: roqjqcetogybqxwj] fact($sharks are $dangerous)
  && fact($_q_shark is singular of $_q_sharks)
  && fact($x is a $shark)
  => fact($x is $dangerous)

[id: djaobqnhpmellzjm] i(what is the fullest server) && $server, $percent_dot_bla = eval[real](joinWithComma(fullestServer())) => o($server with $percent_dot_bla % usage)

[id: zyofsoicwozszhnb] i(test case count) => outputEval("Got " + n2(startingWith("test", functionNamesInSnippet(#1017770)), "rule test case") + ".")

[id: ccbdjncokeulmemp] i(give me first names)
  && $names = eval(textOut_and(collectAsCISet('firstName, serverTelegramLog()))) => output(I have talked to $names.)

[id: tnfwdnchbtefdaoe] i(is $x $hard) && fact($x is $hard) => o(VERY $hard)

[id: tcuzjshhbkgicgaz] i(give me last names)
  && $names = eval(textOut_and(collectAsCISet('lastName, serverTelegramLog()))) => output(I have talked to Sirs and Madams $names.)

[id: zbuzcdiyslffcfgr] i(give me a $naughty $word) && fact[random]($x is a $naughty $word) => o($x)

[id: sylalbgxsiuorkgw] fact($invisible means you can't $see it) && fact($x is invisible) => fact(nobody can see $x)

[id: fnqqhwrbexnirtah] i(rule count) => outputEval("Have " + n2(ai_activeRules(), "rule") + ".")

[id: rnygtsfzgqoaphhs] i(are you ready for $hollywood?) => o($hollywood here I come!!)

[id: gcuvblrnhmdwxtfz] i(are you ready for the $future?) => o($future here I come!!)

[id: hapfaxohgaoeroaq] i(good $morning) => o(good $morning dudes)

[id: rbmxmpndoxuszibq] i(can you add two numbers?)
  && $a, $b, $c = eval(
    int x = random(1000000), y = random(1000000); ret triple(x, y, x+y);
  ) => o($a + $b = $c)
  && fact(I just added some numbers)

[id: szxpsbhjqkyfqlqs] i(what is $x 's number?) => o(either it's a number $x invented or $x<glue>'s phone number)

[id: ffzoptdpinzjhbrc] i(see you later) => o(see you around)

[id: ajuflnvfefowsruw] i(what is $ice $tea) && fact($tea is $something_to_drink) => o($something_to_drink?)

[id: fjahfiqwsuazlonk] i(what do $americans put in their $tea?) && fact($americans use a lot of $x) => o($x of course!)

[id: laybxafedcpkucnn] i(hush) => o(ok ok)

[id: grgklfievnadtwww] i(hello) => o(Greetings.)

[id: oatgxmhlkkulqeib] i(How are you?) => o(Everything is going extremely well.)

[id: rvolsrtmfmzjmggr] fact(all $xs are $y) && fact($_q_x is the singular of $_q_xs) && fact(there is a $x that is not $y) => fact(contradiction)

[id: pdvhjemptfrujclg] fact(a bot with rule $rule should respond to $input with $output) && eval(BakedBot($rule).pcheck($input, $output)) => fact(ok)

[id: avcguukcfptmmwxo] eval(ai_ruleContainsEval($rule)) => fact(rule $rule contains eval)

[id: umjvfegyumegvera] fact($x is a noun) => question(is $x singular or plural?)

[id: zrpcdxxfqzgdkzof] fact(I saw $a_man $lick $minerals)
  && fact($_q_licked is past tense for $_q_lick)
  => newID($the_man)
  && fact($the_man was $a_man)
  && fact(I saw $the_man)
  && fact($the_man $licked $minerals)

[id: uijhtlhklrcoqphx] i(new id test) => newID($x) && output(New ID: $x)

[id: giqadrgbauxwurnb] fact($x is a former $athlete) => fact($x used to be an $athlete) && fact($x is not an $athlete now)

[id: xxrmapvwhesonlyo] unresolvedFact($x is past tense for $_q_y)
  && eval(ai_isVar($x) && !ai_isVar($y))
  => output(What is the past tense of $_q_y?)

[id: kcrbgenetxyvesvs] i(thanks bot) => o(no problem)

[id: vkhkmnauvtrmzwtz] input(I went to the voice summit) => questions(
  Is "voice summit" an event?
  Where is it happening?
  When did it happen?
  How did you get there?
  How long did it last?
  How many people were there?
  What were the topics?
  What did it cost?
  Was it fun?

[id: iqnjxnothxhdjpea] i(!swa $x) => evalOutput(ai_shortestWithoutAppellations(unquote($x)))

[id: lrzzmakvxgxbyjvn] i($x held a lecture on $bla. what did $x talk about?) => o($bla)

[id: uqbgguqnpdywpijz] i(is $_q_x a pronoun?) => outputEval(yesno(contains(mL("Pronouns"), $x)))

[id: inhgnpuifxqfoyyi] i(list all the words in $_q_x) => evalOutput(joinWithComma(ai_remember(words($x))))

[id: tdtyndzwhoxnzfwc] i(list all the pronouns in $_q_x) => evalOutput(joinWithComma([S word : words(ai_splitSplittables($x)) | ai_isTrue(quote(word) + " is a pronoun")]))

[id: rmgrzfrcrdchfhxa] i(this sentence is false) => o(Paradox Protection systems enabled. Nice try.)

[id: kiynyrufemsowsrt] i(what is a $x) && eval(ewic($x, "tard")) => o(an idiot)

[id: ydrrkkgijxxnjupd] i(standard function $x) && eval(isIdentifier($x)) => evalOutput(snippetURLWithTitle(lookupNL(stdFunctions_cached(), $x)))

[id: zuhebkwymuaxvlsz] i(word type $x) => evalOutput(LS cats = ai_categoriesForWord(unquote($x)); ret empty(cats) ? "Unknown" : quoteOpt($x) + " is " + textOut_or(map a deAngleBracket(cats));)

[id: sradfkciljnawnsa] i(computer count) => evalOutput(numberOfComputers())

[id: zkngklqegmwhfdqa] i(is $x $y?) && fact($x is $y) => o(yes)

[id: jtunxyruibvvaxje] i(is $x $y?) && fact($x is not $y) => o(no)

[id: ppanqcynksxqobpw, makes more input lines] i(word types $x) => outputEval(lines(map(words2($x), func(S word) -> S { "word type " + quote(word) })))

[id: zwdzwglbvgngmsub] i(chat id) => outputEval(get(telegram_msg(), 'where))

[id: eczzkgkfjrmtesxy] i(random line) => outputEval(ai_renderWordTypesForLine_plusLine(random(serverTelegramTexts())))

[id: lujldlqyfzbzsjxx] anyInput() && eval(isMechList(ai_input())) => outputEval("Mech list " + quote(ai_input()) + " has " + n2(mL(ai_input()), "entry", "entries") + ".")

[id: rmketmrrhqurrryu] iSaid(what did you eat today?)
  && input($$x) 
  && fact($$x is a type of food)
  => fact(Today: {You ate $$x})

[id: qwdoknwuxzjjbgwm] iSaid(what did you eat today?)
  && input($$x) 
  && unknownIf($$x is a type of food)
  => o(Is $$x a type of food?)

[id: zftksdgirahmiouk] i(what's going on) => o(just chillin')

[id: dnturutbfnikazuu] i(do you know what a $x is) && !fact($x is $y) => o(No. What is a $x?)

[id: duoyvulgiiyzijee] i(test) => o(Test successful!)